Anna Klaassen #eye#eye

Digital designer & visual artist

Intro & contact

About me


UX / UI / Product

  1. Recover Cover
  2. UniSuper RHS
  3. Open Banking Project
  4. Abacus Plaza
  5. Size dropdown redesign
  6. RONA
  7. CERES Kids

Web / Coding

  1. Artefacts
  2. RMIT Club Hub
  3. I am Merri


Sculpture / Installation

  1. Tracing and Constructing Form
  2. Scale and Repair

Photography / Painting

  1. Solarized Forms
  2. Abstracted Image
  3. Colour Charts

Kippie Ceramics︎︎︎

©Anna Klaassen 2023. All rights reserved

Anna Klaassen

Digital designer & visual artist

Tracing and Constructing Form

︎︎︎ 2018
︎︎︎ Ply, digital print, varnish, acrylic paint, brass, copper, vinyl, bulldog clips and brass pins
︎︎︎ Various dimensions

Through Klaassen’s experience of proprioception in her yoga practice, she recognised the shape of her body holding a certain pose. Her process consists of tracing shapes from photographic imagery of figures and rendering these forms into free standing sculptures, creating an interchange between two and three dimensional works. Through green colour schemes and granite patterned vinyl, Klaassen builds a connection between man-made materials and landscape environments. The negative space captured around the figure leaves an imprint in its setting and starts to inhabit its own form, as offcuts that emerge from Klaassen’s procedures are repurposed into additional sculpture.